Monday, December 31, 2018


As the last day of 2018 dawns it's time to bid adieu by reporting and reflecting.  Something I realized is that I will always be a numbers girl.  Even though I said good-bye mid year to reporting on oil barrels, AECO prices, royalty $, abandonment liabilities etc, I cannot let go of tracking the kilometres I covered vertically and horizontally while "out & about" wearing hiking boots or snowshoes. There is still that kind of business that goes hand and hand with that kind of pleasure.      


This is that business for 2018!

I am only competitive within myself.  I had lots of opportunities over the past couple of weeks to be "out & about" but I leaned to be lazy instead.  Therefore, 2018 is not a banner year for ground covered.  As you can see I came close, oh so close.  In 2019 with time as my oyster, I am already curious of the possibilities.


At times I wondered do I enjoy taking photographs more or being active more.  I do know I cannot have the activity without the photography but I can have the photography without the activity.  I picked out a few of my favourite photos for 2018.  These certainly depicted how fortunate I was to go where I did and see what I saw.  I have lots to learn on the photography front and I look forward to growing in that aspect. 

I leave you with a few final thoughts!  Thank you for being "out & about" with me.  Thank you for the support, at times hands on, in getting me through those tough sections along the way.  Thank you for being silly with me and sharing in loads of laughs.  Thank you for being there with me to embrace magnificent moments in our mountains.  I truly have so much to be thankful for!


1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year and happy blogging for us to continue to share in your amazing adventures. I'm sure your distance will double next year with all your 'free time' to fill. I am surprised that my distance hiked was greater than yours - 986 km. Of course my distance is so much less interesting as yours and I doubt that my elevation gain would reach 2 km. I love these collages.


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