Today felt like Friday at work! It was a crazy busy four days which seemed like five! When it came time (shortly after 11:00 am) to head out the office door for my Park run, I himmed and hawwed and wained and waffled...I did not want to go! I felt exhausted before I even went! Or was it my imagination looking for an excuse! I thought to myself, I paid my dues so I could do this over the lunch break and I know, yes I know, once I get out there, I will be so thankful I went for it! And that I was, I was so thankful I went for it! Once again in shorts and short sleeve shirt I hit the Park and put in a quick easy one. A quick and easy one for me tallies up to this:
Distance 5.07km Time 30:20 Pace 5:59 min/km.
After dinner, I packed my pack! My new backpack that is! It's the Osprey Exos 34! I am sensing that my future holds some serious hiking adventures so it was time to hang up the old pack and upgrade to one that has all the bells and whistles. This one does have an actual whistle in the breast bone buckle. Hopefully I will never be in a situation where I have to use it! My new pack is very light, has greater capacity and the back, waist belt and shoulder straps are ventilated.
We're off to the Park tomorrow, to the Castle Junction area of Banff National Park to be exact. It will be an opportunity to test my new pack on my last snowshoe trek of the season. I can't say I will be sad to retire the snowshoes to the basement. I had some great times on them this year and I wonder if tomorrow will be another great one to add to the list!
Stay tuned!
Sleek looking pack, I'm sure it will see lots of action on some serious hiking adventures over the months/years to come!