Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Emerald Lake Lodge Trip Day 3 - December 10, 2019

We exited our cabin this morning on our way to breakfast to face low cloud coverage with nothing but white & grey to be seen.  We hoped at some point today that blue sky would appear but that did not materialize. Over breakfast we put a plan in place for the day and then went about making that plan happen.

We drove east a short distance to the Monarch Campground which was the parking lot and trail head for the Yoho Valley Road X-C Ski track.  The track had been groomed and set a week prior but since then the area received a load of snow and now there were only skier set tracks.  The track was soft and wobbly and was not the easiest to glide along for long stretches.  

I have driven this road when it is open season to see Takakkaw Falls and to hike the Iceline Trail.  During the snowy wintry months the road is groomed for the first five kilometres and then beyond that you get into avalanche terrain.  
We skied by Cathedral Lodge which is closed in winter.
You can see my friend up ahead there.
We kept each other in sight for the entire stretch.  
It felt eerie and wild up on this road.  There was no one else and it really felt like we were out there. My friend said with today's conditions light touring skis would be nice.  In open season this is the Meeting of the Waters pull out point.
We did ski the full safe five kilometre distance then returned.  The cloud still hung low yet it was obvious on a clear day the views here would be wonderful.  For that reason I want to return to ski here when I can see what there is to see.

view along the way

can it get any whiter
This was the turn around point and time to stop for some chocolates and tea to get me back to the bottom.  The purple gloves added color to a dismal looking day.  I stuck close to the track as the snow was deep and it is challenging to get through deep snow with X-C Skis on.
my friend crossing back over the bridge which means we are almost done
By now we were ready for lunch which lasted two and a half hours at Truffle Pigs in Field.  Another hour or so was passed strolling around the Emerald Lake property.  It remained a grey day and there looked to be no end in sight of that. 
Cilantro reflecting in the pond
We followed the trail that lead us into a white winter wonderland!
We are heading for that bridge in the background.
We hiked to Peaceful Pond but it still had open water so did not venture down to it.
a winter home for the summer canoes
We had enough time on our feet and we were ready to put them up.  
The path home was now lit and we just aimed for that shinig star in the trees.
We spent hours on end being cozy sitting by the fire sharing stories, snacks and sips.  
That's life enjoying just another day in paradise!

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