Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Forgetmenot Pond Picnic July 17, 2019

We picked today a number of weeks ago, to be our day in the mountains spent enjoying everything that encompasses the idea of a picnic.  Our destination was set for Forgetmenot Pond, the menu was decided upon as was the time frame for the day.  We had it all under control except for the weather and you can only hope for the best.  How fortunate for us the weather did not play out as a concern expect for a few minutes of sprinkles as it was nearing time to take down the picnic site.  

An hour before departure time from home to begin the day, I sent a quick message to Adventure Designer with a question relating to an unrelated picnic topic.  In a matter of minutes there became the potential that the three of us may be sharing this day.  Why not!  Maggie Muggins has heard much about Adventure Designer over the years and Adventure Designer has heard much about Maggie Muggins, yet the two have never met.    

how our day played out

Maggie Muggins and I motored to Forgetmenot Pond all the while I was saying a little prayer that we would be fortunate enough to secure a picnic site with a view.  Thank goodness we got the last one.   This beautiful little location in the mountains is a happening place, especially now that the improvements have been completed.  

After setting up our site, I got the fire going. 
soon there after Adventure Designer located us and settled in to share the day

We made introductions and shared stories while enjoying the fire.  Time to dine came, we had an abundance of decadent and delicious food to savour while we continued to share stories, solve world problems and brain storm plans for down the road.  We made toasts with tea to friendship and living life large.  
time for Adventure Designer to entertain us

In no time at all her new kayak was inflated and she was off paddling around Forgetmenot Pond.  I took an interest in kayaking a couple years back and took a lesson last year but did not pursue the sport further.  The idea of an inflatable kayak has peaked my interest again.  This type would be more suited to my lifestyle.  
time to just hang around

Time came to just kick the footwear off and put our feet up for awhile.  It takes a few takes to find what works for the two of us to comfortably settle into my hammock.  I believe Maggie Muggins was chuckling and wondering were we ever going to get this right. 
I treasure the time I get to spend with Maggie Muggins.  She leads a full life and I am grateful when there is a day we can spend together.  We love our mountains and value the benefits we receive from spending hours here.  Today's five hours at Forgetmenot Pond filled us with fresh air & fun and an opportunity to catch up on our life's happenings.  

Thank You to Maggie Muggins and Adventure Designer 
for this way of sharing a day of living life! 

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