Sunday, March 22, 2009

Two, Two, Two Hikes In One!

Seeing as yesterday's cave adventure was complete by early afternoon, four of us carried on 20 minutes down the road to Banff to squeeze in another hike. We picked Tunnel Mountain which had many great views on the way up. It was a short hike of roughly 2.5 kms one way over an elevation of around 260 meters give or take a few here or there.

We came across this unusually shaped tree and it looked like an open invitation to conquer! We each had our turn scrambling onto it! Me, being the last, it wasn't pretty but I did it! You see, I was told if I could do this then I could probably do a moderate scramble. Game on!

Our time in Banff was topped off with shopping, chocolate and visiting a pub for dinner! This time I had pasta because I knew that would be best seeing as I was due to run 26 kms the next morning.
Well, the next morning came (this morning) and I woke to blizzard-type weather! I stayed in my PJs, drank lots of coffee and had a great big breakfast then went back to bed! I have to admit, I do like days like this at times! My 26km will have to come another time!


  1. There might be some horseback riding in your future... Shopping, chocolate and a pasta dinner sounds like a pretty nice end to the day.

  2. Running in a blizzard is never advise LOL

    I love this hiking thing!! =)


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