Saturday, May 3, 2008

Stars Shine

...and they certainly did tonight! Myself, friends and friends of friends were bedazzled by the stars (on winning tickets at that)!

It was a night full of music ranging from hard rock to classical and some stuff in between like country and blues all bellowed out in sync with flips and dips, swirls and twirls.

So many stars, unique in their own way, each with something special to offer. They entertained us with their talent and their brightness. The smooth, flat, glistening, cold surface is their canvas to artistically paint us a story. These stars shine brightly when they lace up the boots, sharpen the blades and step onto the ice to perform in the "Stars on Ice" show!

What a wonderful show it was and a fun time with friends!

1 comment:

  1. It was a fun evening as the skaters performed their routines to the thrill and enjoyment of us all.

    Friends are very special and to share a fun evening with them is always enjoyed.



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