Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Pigeon Mountain "Beneath thy shining skies"

Of course, you have to know my Canada Day is going to involve everything that encompasses being "out & about", making sure to "remember to breathe", and feeling "on top of the world".  Pigeon Mountain packs a big punch considering how close it is to home which makes it the ideal mountain to   celebrate on and to display how proud we are of "our home and native land".

"Beneath thy shining skies", we had heat and humidity to contend with right from the get-go which was at 8:55 am.  This made for a slow ascent but hey, that pace afforded us the opportunity to thoroughly enjoy the carpet of wildflowers and the parade of peaks which began as soon as we exited the trees.
the up seemed never-ending
After a couple of gigantic ups and tiny downs, "from far and wide" we could finally see the main summit of Pigeon Mountain.  It seemed quite a distance away over there on top of that light brown section in middle center.   For a matter of seconds I wondered was I going to make it to there on this day.  The humidity and heat were taking a toll!  I came to my senses and gobbled turkey bacon and gulped gatorade.  That's my winning combination!
We reached the stretch of meadow before the rocky top and just strolled along.  It was along here where you could see forever then understand "how dear to us thy broad domain" is.  Oh Yes, "Oh Canada, we.....

stand on guard.....
.....for thee"!
my summit shot
"strong and free"
A short distance further down slope was an ideal place to dine.  Here we could admire where the "great prairies spread and Lordly rivers flow".  We had that blue sky right above us while clouds  covered the surrounding peaks.  Today's main course of quinoa, penne and chickpea fueled my dwindling fire.    
on our way across the meadow towards our next destination
a short steep climb over scree & talus is ahead
and that brought us to here
now looking back at where we just were
on the high point at the top right
"with glowing hearts"
There would be no more ascending left, it was all downhill from here.  
This vast meadow was covered with wildflowers of all kinds.  
Route finding was necessary as we neared the end of the meadow.  We needed to make sure we entered back into the forest in the correct spot.  After some admiring while meandering, the faint trail then became visible.  We followed it down slope, passing by yet more wildflowers.  We entered the forest, met up with the Skogan Trail, then it was all business to cover the six or so kilometers back to the trail head. 
I was pleasantly depleted by the time our Canada Day celebration was over and I like it like that!  On a day that began with a few hiccups, I wondered was this going to be "one of those days"?  It did turn out being "one of those days" but of the opposite kind. What a glorious Canada Day we had!  With the pretty scenery and fun friends, I felt like I was "on top of the world"!

1 comment:

  1. Nice views from the summit! And great shots of the bighorn sheep. Happy Canada day to you!


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