I eyed that Point my first day here when I stood on the deck to fill my eyes with ocean scenery. I had not been there on my own before but felt confident I could find my way between all the cottages and pathways. That part of the route there is pretty enough on its own and I even saw a cottage for sale. Aaah! I found the entrance way to The Point.
I spent a very little amount of time there due to the strong gusts of wind, the point being very very narrow with big drop offs on each side and with my slight stature, I could find myself over the edge. Instead I found a way to safely get down to the ocean side. The tide was out somewhat so I took loads of time and explored. I enjoyed this part of The Point.
I wore my grippy bzees which made it easy and fun to scamper up and down and around and over and through all the sandstone, tide pools and boulders. The locals built numerous inukshuks which were cool to photograph. It was a hot morning already, those little fluffy puffy clouds hung around, the greens were so green and the ocean of course was wonderful to be beside. 

I allowed myself two hours here then found the archway again that would lead me back to the cottages and pathways and then back to my home.
The trail is treed and sheltered so very lovely on this hot day. We followed to the end where we saw a seal basking on a rock and a grand view of Black Point.
We incorporated a loop where along the way we saw remnants of structures. The trail was pretty and pleasant and we commented this would be a fine place to X-C Ski or snowshoe during the winter months.
Still with some time on my hands before dinner and battening down the hatches before the night's weather, I strolled our beach at a really low tide which happens at full moon time.
I made the most of every moment today. The reminders to live life fully and be appreciative for everything were on my mind today and I needed to acknowledge that.
I just love the seal on the rock.