Friday, March 15, 2019

Bowness Park March 15, 2019

From full on wintry-like yesterday at Lake Louise to full on springy-like in Calgary today, we have the best of both worlds in this part of our great country.  This was the day to catch up with Happy Hiker to share an urban hike around Bowness Park, capture pretty pictures and exchange our recent life happenings.  We got lost in conversation with so much to share, at times we needed to declare let's stop and look at the view.  These were a few of our river and forest views with some being worthy of Mother Nature's frames.
 This was our 6.3 km route.
With spring on the verge of springing upon us, 
this was a fine taste of what we can expect in the coming weeks.  
Doors and opportunities will open up.

Thank you for today! 

1 comment:

  1. Our autumn is looking brighter ,with lovely falls of rain over the weekend.


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