Monday, July 13, 2020

Alderson & Carthew Lakes, Waterton National Park, July 13, 2020

Alderson and Carthew Lakes are open for hiking business only if you are game to do an out and back from Cameron Falls in the Waterton townsite.  The popular option of a oneway from Cameron Lake down to the townsite is not available with the Akamina Parkway closed.  I put a plan in place.  Hike up to Alderson Lake then assess then take it from there whether I carry on up to the Carthew Lakes or head back down.  I carried on up making it a 20 km round trip with approximately 960 metres of cumulative game. 

The Kenow Wildfires in September of 2017 devastated Waterton.  Following it on the news back then was one thing but to now be here and see where it actually was in another thing.  The first half of today's hike was through the scorched forest.  The area is coming back to life with the greenest of greens foliage and an amazing abundance of wildflowers.  There are now views through the leafless scorched trees. 

I spent a few minutes at Alderson Lake then opted to continue up to the Carthew Lakes.  I joined a couple from Canmore for this portion. They carried on to the far side of Carthew while I choose not to.  I enjoyed lunch then began the long descent back investing more time in admiring the scenery and capturing split seconds in time.  Throughout the entire 20 kms, I encountered 32 other hikers. It's good to have others around in this remote area. 

I arrived back at Cameron Falls and from there it was a five minute walk back to my home away from home.  The boots came off, the feet went up and the beer was sipped!  

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