I woke this morning wondering how should I fill my day. Surrounding highways were showing red, forecasts were all conflicting. I himmmed and hawwwed and paced. I keep checking out my deck double doors and then low and behold saw blue sky with some pink! I wanted to be out in that right now which meant staying local. Out the door, up the hill, at the trail head for Upper Tramline, X-C Skis on is how I started to fill my day.
I decided to aim down Upper Tramline and connect with Moraine Lake Road. This is my first time on skis this season so I needed to get my X-C Ski legs back and would assess on how my trip would look as I went along. One thing about this route, the views are spectacular right away and never let up.
I got excited when I reached Moraine Lake Road and got to hop into newly groomed tracks. As I was working my way up, the groomers were on their way in the other direction now setting a downhill track and also freshening up the skate ski lane. I am not sure what you call what they do to that lane. It is always nice to see those knights on shining grooming equipment doing what they do. Thank you for that!
I was pleased with how my day was going so decided to take on Fairview. This was the first time for doing this loop in a counterclockwise direction. I knew I would have a little more uphill sections but I needed to get my herringbone technique up to snuff anyway. So up I went!

The further into Fairview I got the more it began to snow and heavy at times. I like that though because the build up of snow creates scenes like these. I always think I see things in the snow formations, usually animal shapes or even snowman hanky panky like one below.
a frosty finish
I was covered in snow by the time I reached my car and it had a cm or two on it along with ice build up on the windows. It was a slow drive back down the hill. I was glad to be back inside cozy and warm sipping wine by the fire feeling delighted with how my day filled up.
Meanwhile we 'hiked' 9kms through Brisbane checking out Roma Street Gardens [lovely] and Southbank in 34 C. A storm rolled through about 4.30 so we retreated to the Treasurey Cafe to dine on steak and Moreton Bay bugs [yummy]. A Christmas parade, lightship on City Hall and fireworks followed before we got home after 9. A great day but I know where I would rather have been.