Sunday, November 15, 2015

Powderface Pass freshly renewed

I ended yesterday's yearly check-up post with "Let's see what tomorrow brings!" It's now tomorrow and I woke refreshed and renewed and be "out & about".  Since it's Sunday and I would be soloing, I wanted safe and short and closer to home.   I also wanted to work at adding destinations to my collection of safe solos.  I have been to Powderface Pass a number of times but always with friends.  This location fit the bill for everything I was looking for today.

  I was early but not the first.
  It was sunny but not cold.  
I passed through the gate.
The sun was rising over the mountain top and shedding some light on the tips of the trees. 
My direction of intent was towards that lone cloud. 
Seeing far beyond, I was excited for what the views would be like at The Pass. It was easy going along the hard packed trail.  I was happy for the lack of snow which made my briskness practice that much easier.  That cloud was calling and I aimed for it.
At the intersection I took a moment to delayer and check out my surroundings.  The sun, the shadows, the sky, the snow I was loving it all.  Shortly past this point, the folk that was first was making his return trip on his bike with great big gigantic fat tires.  We exchanged pleasantries as we passed by.
I pushed through the final last climb and reached Powderface Pass.  
It appeared exactly how I had hoped it would.  
I could see forever!  
I owned this place.  I dropped my gear and had some snacks and tea.  Then I took care of the summit shot business.  The ground was wind swept clear in some sections yet with large snow drifts in other parts.  I checked out the area.  It was a peaceful pleasant place to be at this time and I took full advantage of that.
Nihahi Ridge
After enjoying my ownership here, I eyed the direction to where I would be heading back.  I could see the summit of Prairie Mountain from here.  Looking this way was picture perfect.  Feeling ready to say see you another time, I geared up and went on my way.  Within a few minutes I met two ladies with five dogs or was it six,  on their way to the top.  My timing was perfect.
Being back into the trees, I delayered and enjoyed the spring-like day without gaiters, without jacket, without gloves without hat but with that spring in my step.  So there you go,  a continuation of my healthy check-up was what today had in store. 

1 comment:

  1. Love all the snow and blue skies! Looks like a perfect day to be outside.


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