Monday, April 14, 2008

Not So Private, Privates!

I have another Transit commute story to share!

Today on my bus commute home, I sat in the sideways seat at the back of the bus. A female sat directly across from me. I will call her a female because she was not lady-like, well, she did not sit lady-like. She had a black coat on, and nothing underneath covering her legs. No hose, no pants, no skirt, no dress, no socks and like I said, she did not sit lady-like. Her coat fell open to the sides of her legs as she sat with her purse on her lap. Good thing the tops of her legs were plump and game together there! Geesh! I was embarrassed for her and for myself!

At the next stop, more folks boarded the already full bus. Most of them had to stand and thank goodness a guy stood between me and the female directly across from me. He blocked my view, good thing, because you know when you should not look and you do not want to look and you try not to look, you can’t help but look! He was big, spread his legs for balance and spread his arms as he stood and faced me while he held onto the bar above. You know when you should not look and you do not want to look and you try not to look, you can’t help but look.....

.......his zipper was down!!! Geesh!!!

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh xD This post was so funny! *hugs* I know its wrong, and while a part of me would feel very offended, another part of me would be in fits of giggles =p


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