Sunday, April 17, 2016

Barrier Lake Lookout building on that taste

When I woke this morning, I felt like I still had a few more hours of hiking in me which was surplus from Saturday.  Yesterday's trip offered a taste of true spring/summer hiking and I wanted to taste some more.  I quickly multi-tasked for two hours, like there was no tomorrow,  then headed off.  I was somewhat owning the highway which felt strange and I arrived at the trailhead parking lot for Barrier Lake Lookout only to see one other car there with no one in sight.   It was very cold and very windy here, yet as beautiful as ever.
I made quick business of getting across the road to the trees.
I still took a few seconds to acknowledge the colorful view. 
When I saw the petite waves crashing against the rocks, I hiked down to get an eye level shot.   
I made it a point to move continuously (no dilly dallying) along the switchbacks up through the forest to the first big view point towards Barrier Lake and where I parked.  I zoomed in and could see the lot was full and vehicles were already lining the road.  To this point I saw no one, not even that folk who owned that lone car that was in the lot.  I was enjoying this and hoped I could have some alone time at The Lookout.  I decided to continue on up to the top, by-passing the Prairie View section which I visited two months ago.

After by-passing Prairie View,  the views became wider to the north. 
It was early enough to offer wonderful lighting.

I was surprised to see the Lookout was up and running and the Lookout Lady was pacing her deck with her binoculars.  The sign at the helipad said go no further but I did.  I went to the base of her stairs to chat for a few minutes.  She said she has been there since around Easter.  I wonder if  Raspberry is up and running now?  She has been a busy busy lady with it being so dry in our neck of the woods.  I scooted around back for a destination shot.
Barrier Lake Lookout
you can see the wind socket blowing at the left of the base of the tower
So it was just her and I.  She continued to walk her deck all the while spying through her binoculars, two helicopters flying around and around.  By now she was in continuous communication on her radio.  She went about her business and I went about mine.  I felt tired by now having accomplished lots and it was still not 10:30am.  I did some shooting, some snacking then some snoozing.  
At 11:00 I packed up and began my descent just as folks after folks after folks after folks after folks began to work their way up the last section before the top.  My timing was perfect.   The going down was easy with no snow nor ice nor mud.  Back at Barrier Lake in what seemed like no time, I took one final photo then made my way to my car.
With this gorgeous weather combined with hiking this trail early,  it made for a great way to spend Sunday morning.  I now felt fulfilled and satisfied.  I'm thinking I am now ready to do more building.


  1. That is interesting that the lookout is staffed so early and that there are fires already. Isn't there still snow?

  2. Magical views and sky.
    It must have been a tad cold with the wind making those waves. It was a great capture of them.


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