Friday, June 5, 2020

Horseshoe Canyon Drumheller June 5, 2020

Spring in Horseshoe Canyon just outside of Drumheller is the best time, especially if there have been a consecutive number of dry days.  Today was D Day, Drive to Drumheller!  As has been the case this past while, I got an early start, they work best for me and afford the kind of experience I prefer.  People from the two other vehicles that were there when I arrived stayed at the top to view down into the Canyon.  I went down...into the Canyon!
a view from the trail after descending the steep stretch
It was time to head off and explore!
I truly appreciate this place, it is so different from when I head west.  
I know I don't always need to be in or on the mountains to feel like I am high on life!
There is lots to see if you take the time to look!
The weather and the conditions were ideal.  It was on the very warm side once I got down in the canyon and the ground was bone dry.  The conditions made for easy rambling about.  The sky had those wispy clouds that I love so much and like for taking nice photographs.
people play in this place building almost sky high cairns and inukshuks
I explored into spaces down here that I had not been before.  It was so appealing to be here this morning that I stayed longer than I had planned.  I did have water but I left all the food in the car.  While I rambled my stomach rumbled!  It was now time to head on back up.
looking back down to where I just was
Back at the top of Horseshoe Canyon the parking lot was mostly full.  Now lots of people were on their way down to do their rambling.  I found a table to settle at and devoured my sandwich, chips and apple.  This was my view to savour!
I love days like this!
Look for love and you find it!
Love in the rocks!


  1. What a contrast. The green of the valley trail surrounded by the brown's of the canyon walls.

    1. It is surprising how green it can be when it is so dry!


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