Yesterday afternoon I felt what I thought was a fever coming on! It has been awhile since I had one and didn't recognize the signs right away. I went to bed early last night and got a good night sleep and felt O.K. this morning when I woke. As the morning went on, I began feeling like I did yesterday, only this time it kept getting worse as each minute passed! The symptoms were obvious and I knew I better do something before it progressed to something worse! I bundled up in all my warm layers and drove to the nearest place I could think of that might offer a cure!
A five kilometer hike on Nose Hill was exactly what I needed to cure me of cabin fever!
I'm not use to spending most of my weekend stuck inside! I like exercise, fresh air, big skies, wide open places! I found all that this afternoon at Nose Hill Natural Environmental Park. It was bitterly cold at -23C (-9F) with a windchill of -31C(-24F). I didn't care! I was dressed for it! The sun even broke through the clouds!
It was cold! The proof is in the hair!
The sundog was amazing!
I did a cross-country out and back, I mean a cross-hill over and back from 14th St to Shaganappi Trail. I brought my GPS with me to record my distance but ended up using it to get me on the right track back after I explored through some trees at the far end. That is a big park and my foot prints were blown away so couldn't follow them out. Once back on track, I picked up the pace as I fought the wind.
An hour and a half later, I was totally cured of my fever!